
The village board supports the principles of the open meetings law and its guarantees of citizen access to governmental policy making and decision making processes. Therefore, all boards, committees and commissions are directed to observe the requirements and constraints of the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law, Section 19.81 through 19.98, Wisconsin Statutes, in the conduct of all boards, committees and commission meetings.

A notice giving the time, date and place of each meeting and its tentative agenda is posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting of any board, committee or commission. The notice is posted at the village hall, at the post office, and also on this website.

All meetings of all boards, committees and commissions of the village are held in places which are accessible and open to the public.

*Members of the public are welcome to address the Village Board.  Individuals wishing to speak on an item (whether on the agenda or not) must sign in prior to the start of the meeting and may speak during the Public Input segment of the meeting. Note regarding non-agendized village related matters:  Pursuant to WI § 19.83(2) and 19.84(2), the public may present matters; however, they cannot be discussed or acted upon until specific notice of the subject matter of the proposed action can be given.


Please contact clerk for past agendas.